Officials in Los Angeles have been dealing with a crank who made a series of calls pretending to be David Beckham.
The LA Times reported that the imposter telephoned LA’s Department of Children and Family Services inviting underprivileged kids to a practice session of Los Angeles Galaxy, Beckham's new team.
Officials realized the calls were a hoax after quizzing the caller.
County Chief Executive William T. Fujioka claimed they were never really duped. We're not country bumpkins, he said.
While department spokeswoman Louise Grasmehr added: It just smacked of bogusity,
I wonder how long it will be before bogusity graces the pages of the Oxford Dictionary…
Sounds like an (understandable) variation on a theme of the word bogosity, which has been in use (albeit more for amusing effect than anything else) in computing circles for a long time.
What's really amusing is that, as seen from here, via google.com, your blog now turns up as the third hit if one searches for "bogusity".
Thanks Dave. I'm sure your comment is well researched and does not smack of, er, bogusity or even bogosity...
Try it yourself.
i did.
3rd eh?
a podium position...
sounds flattering...until you look at whose first and second...
York Uni CS department's first from here. No shame in being behind such a fine establishment, in in the UK's best city, in the UK's premier county, ;-)
afraid i didn't get past the title...Safety-Critical Mailing List Archive 2002: PRAs and bogusity...
Yeah nice city, nice county.
But from here, tops has to be Lincoln and Lincs...!
I tried it out on google.
Phil is now first.
Leader of the pack.
Where to next?
So, what you're saying is, if you go to Google, type in "Bogusity", hit the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button, you get Phil as the prime example of Bogusity.
Oh dear! :-D
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