They will be on the streets to deal with anti-social or intimidating behaviour, such as egg-throwing or misuse of fireworks.
They have also issued posters to elderly and vulnerable people who get particularly worried at a call from the tricksters.
Police spokesman Debra Tinsley said: "Even when the intent of callers is to have harmless fun, the effect may be to cause distress and intimidation to those who do not perceive a knock at the door on a dark night in this way.
She urged older people to:
* Always put the door chain on and look out of the window or spy hole to see who is there before opening the door.
* Take extra care if there is more than one person at the door.
* If you do not feel safe opening the door, then don't.
* If you get unwelcome callers and feel threatened, dial 999 and ask for the police.
* If you are especially worried, invite a friend or relative around. A fun evening should take your mind off of unexpected callers.
Well doen Lincolnshire for taking a tough line.
there you go anony, we've found something we agree on!!
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