Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ming gaffes it as media look for Charlie's Comeback...

Ming Campbell did his best to look statesmanlike as he arrived at his first LibDem Conference as Leader of his Party.

But he gaffed it with a daft soundbite that under him the LibDems are moving from a Party of Opposition towards being a Party of Government.

It was laughably reminiscent of the "Go Home and Prepare for Government" variety that did no favours for one of his predessessors.

The agenda for the LibDem week looks likely to be dominated by a damaging row over how much they would raise tax.

But the media will want to focus on two questions:

1. Has Charlie Kennedy recovered from his drink problem?
2. Who will make the best Leader's speech - present Leader Ming, or deposed Leader Kennedy who wants his old job back.


Anonymous said...

Politicalhack wrote:

That's kinda like predicting where bears defecate or if the Pope wears a hat.

Anonymous said...

Cameron versus Brown, you think?

I dunno.

That Alan Johnson is well buff.