Hillary is down four points since last month and Barack up nine.
Despite this, many pundits still predict Hillary will win on Tuesday. But most agree anything other than victory over Obama will leave her struggling to survive in the race for the White House.
She certainly came out fighting in a candidate's debate today, attacking Obama as a flip-flopper. It took a brave intervention by the third candidate John Edwards to question why Hillary didn't attack Obama when she was ahead...
Certainly, Hillary is seen as desperate, earlier being booed by members of her own party for personal attacks on Obama. It all seemed to backfire on Hillary, only adding to Obama's gravitas as the new front-runner.
The Clinton campaign is now being portrayed for the first time as wooden: TV pix tonight showed Hillary struggling on the stump with faulty microphones, dodgy megaphones, and a noisy bus engine drowning out her message.

Meanwhile, according to The Guardian, Hillary has changed tack by taking a leaf out of John Major's book and getting out a soap-box...
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