Sadly, there's no answer at the last number I had for Fiona and no-one I've contacted has any news...
I hope it's just an ugly rumour. But if anyone out there has any news on Fiona, I'd be grateful if you'd share it with me. Thanks.
Former journalist Phil Dilks is chairman of Deeping St James Parish Council in south Lincs. Served 8 years (2001-09) on Lincolnshire County Council (Labour lead on Education and Children's Services). Former member Lincolnshire Police Authority (2002-09). Member of Royal Anglian Association (former TA CSM), Co-operative Party, and GMB trade union. Promoted by Phil Dilks, DSJ, PE6 8HD. A personal view and not that of any organisation of which I am a member or associated.
If I were the insurance company, I would be wanting a second opinion before coughing up the medical expenses. What does she have, Perpetual Liar Syndrome?
I always chuckle when I read comment that suggests that the Lord Chief Justice lacks integrity and intelligence. After all, it was the LCJ who overturned a conviction against this woman stating that the grounds for prosecution were not capable of supporting a conviction.
Whatever political viewpoint, it is disgraceful to be so rude about someone who may/may not have a serious illness. Tony Blair is right when he promotes the REspect agenda. Like me, I am sure he did not feel that it applied to many of the adult population too.
Yeh Liz. Judges...they have never been half mad have they(?). I have no pity for people who corrupt the political system and treat the public with contempt. Her state of health has nothing to do with it. Should we be nice about everyone who has (apparently) croaked? Hitler? Pol Pot? Stalin? No. Her constituents made their opinions clear on the sanity of the LCJ. I have no idea what you are waffling on about(REspect agenda?), but if it like most things Blair has touched, it is destined for the scrapheap of ridicule and oblivion. I have no respect for corruption.
Now Liz, do you think she will be able to con the insurance company out of enough money to buy a peerage?
She does not have the income to insure herself. Unlike that of Lord Ashcroft to mention but one.
Did not expect you to understand the "Respect Agenda". That is why I mentioned it in the belief that it may make you ponder a little. Given that you have compared this woman to those who have committed genoicide it was rather silly of me to expect any such insight.
sadly she has been found dead in her home
Not Liz, if you think I compared her to the dictators, then you missed the point behind the statement. Try again.
Ashcroft has money...big deal, he earned it, and has been very generous with it regarding higher education and generally worthy political causes. Jones doesn't...though perhaps would have if she hadn't lost he seat because she fiddled her expenses. It seems Blair has lost a grip on reality. The inquiry into the sale of places in the Parliament is "damaging politics". Er no it's damaging you. even Jim Hacker would do better. Apparently it should be wound up. No. Levy, Blair and the others should come clean. The stench of corruption will hang around for decades after this.
Phil's silence on the subject speaks volumes.
Thank you Andrea. I am extremely sad that she died so young and hope she did not suffer too much.
She was cruelly abused by the Labour Party, both locally and nationally - by those who did not think she was important enough to defend properly against local thugs who were insanely jealous that this talented, attractive and winning woman beat a sad old lag whose only claim to fame was that she was a boring, talentless old local trusy.
I hope that the Labour Newark beasts who hounded Fiona in court and refused to campaign for her in 2001 can sleep in their beds.
Sadly, they probably will. Tucked up with cocoa and a nice nip of rum.
Hypocritical bastards. What did you do to stop her persecutors, Fair Deal Phil?
Eying the seat for yourself were you?
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