Homes Burgled - DOWN
A fall of 4% on the year - that's 96 fewer houses broken into and builds on the massive reduction of 46% in the numbers of Lincs homes burgled since 2002/03.
Serious violent crimes - DOWN
A fall of 13% – that’s 816 fewer victims. Lincs Police have also used pro-active policing of the night-time economy to prevent more serious incidents, many resulting from excessive alcohol consumption. More than 1,600 people have been dealt with by way of Penalty Notice for Disorder during 2006/07.
Detecting Crime - UP.
The target was at least 13,500 'Sanctioned Detections'. The actual total was 14,731. In each one, someone has been charged, cautioned, reprimanded, warned, issued with a Penalty Notice for Disorder or the offence has been taken into consideration at court. This figure represents 27% detection rate of all recorded crime in Lincolnshire.
Killed or serious injured - DOWN.
Preliminary year-end figures indicate a 15% reduction was achieved during 2006/07. That's 59 fewer people killed or seriously injured.
Public satisfaction - UP.
Final figures not yet in, but likely to be up from 73% last year to around 80%.
Well done to Chief Constable Tony Lake and all his team.
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