Friday, June 06, 2008

'Keep the Pound' Tory steps down after paying his family £750,000...

A second top Tory has been forced to step down after it was revealed that he has handed £758,000 in public money to his wife and daughter.

£758,000. That's over three-quarters of a million. Pounds. Not Euros.

David Cameron's Chief Whip at the European Parliament Den Dover denies any wrong-doing in paying his wife and daughter more than three-quarters of a million pounds of public money over the past nine years.

He is a leading campaigner to "Keep the Pound".

Now we know what he means.

The news comes less than 24-hours after Giles Chichester resigned as Tory Leader in Brussels after an expenses scandal involving £445,000.

These scandals don't just damage the Tory Party.

They damage democracy itself.


Anonymous said...

At least he kept the pound!

Anonymous said...

At least he kept the pound!