Now that he's Mayor of London, the Tories have called a three-week quickie in a bid to deny the LibDem machine time to gain momentum. Who can blame them?
Seems the Tories were also anxious that the campaign should not clash with the Henley Regatta!
But back to Boris on fire: From Glen Oglaza on Adam Boulton's Sky blog.
The flames had clearly gone out by the time Boris arrived at Parliament later for his final appearance at Prime Minister's Questions. He managed to botch his question and had to be stopped in his tracks by Mr Speaker and reminded that he was not there to make a party political statement as Mayor of London but to ask a question as MP for Henley...
Same old Boris!
UPDATE 1: I referred earlier to Henley Regatta. It is of course Henley Royal Regatta. Pardon my slip. Those interested will know it takes place in the first week of July.
UPDATE 2:ITV and others now reporting likely by-election date as Thursday, 26th June, though writ not yet officially moved.
Nice to see you active again Phil.
Looking forward to Henley.
I said that the writ would be moved this week on my blog earlier in the week.
thanks Geoffrey.
what's your take on things further afield - in the US...?
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