Sunday, June 29, 2008

So who's guilty of snooping in the dustbins...?

Councils snooping on rubbish bins is one of the so-called 'erosions of liberty' that David Davis is quick to blame the Labour Government for.

I wonder if he saw this story published a few days before he pulled his stunt of resigning his parliamentary seat, then standing again in an unnecessary and expensive by-election.

The story is from the Brighton Argus site and is about Mid-Sussex District Council spending hundreds of pounds taking wheelie bins and sifting throught them to see how much waste food has been dumped - all without the permission of the residents/

The story was - no surprise - manna from heaven for the Daily Mail who followed up the Argus tale with the headline
'Council snooping on residents' leftovers' (sorry, no link).

So who runs Mid-Sussex, the snooping Council...?

Yep, the Conservatives!!!

Same old Tories, eh?

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