As a member of Lincolnshire Police Authority, I have known Richard since he came to Lincolnshire as DCC four years ago from Cumbria and I'm delighted that he's now been appointed to the top job following the retirement of current Chief Constable, Tony Lake, QPM.
Richard was responsible for ground-breaking work in setting up the East Midlands Collaboration Team which is recognised across the country as one of the most effective examples of Police Forces working together.
As Angela Crowe, Chairman of the Police Authority says:
“Richard has more than demonstrated his capabilities over the past four years. We are reassured that this appointment will serve the county well for years to come. In Richard, we have a hard working, dynamic and committed Officer who is passionate about the county. We are delighted that he will be Lincolnshire’s Chief Constable.”Congratulations Richard.
Wonder how much overtime he'll be getting?
No Wonder Lincs police is in the bottom six in the police league. .
only one point off the bottom of the government's own assessment table
What was really needed was fresh blood to revive a hapless police force .
Lincs police Will never improve unless new blood is brought in from more successful police forces
What seems to be happening in Lincs police that incorrect and inefficient methods are be re enforce by promoting through the Lincs police ranks .
Is it any wonder Lincs police force is debt ridden.
There is no performance incentive. Feather bedding in-house promotion does not produce a good police force ,It merely encourages complacency
I could not agree more with the previous comment ... 10 months down the line since Crompton's Appointment and the force is still inapt .I in fact ,although in was hard ,it is more inapt now ... Fresh blood is needed only only to stop the 'ROT".. Lincolnshire deserves better ,a lot better
When are you going to start doing your job. I think you are a waste of time. Please get a grip.
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