When it was put to him in an interview on US radio that it was impossible to get a good cup of tea in London, Mr Blair replied:
This is a serious allegation. But I fear you may be right. This is a British tradition that must not be lost. If I were running for office again, I'd make it a major part of any platform.It's good to know that the Prime Minister enjoys a good cuppa. And he's right of course that only us Brits know how to make one...
It's got to be properly strong, it's got to have the right colour.
The trouble is, not many people do it like that.
That's why I drink coffee when I'm in mainland Europe, because they just can't make a cup of tea.
I remember my dear old Mum's first words on arriving home after a month's holiday in China some years ago:
Get the kettle on, let's have a proper cup of tea - the Chinese don't know how to make it properly!
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