Peterborough ET has been speaking with the family of Aydan Roebuck-Wilson, the 14-year-old Deepings schoolboy killed on his bike near his home in Spalding last week.
I trust the ET won't mind me using their photo of Aydan.
Former journalist Phil Dilks is chairman of Deeping St James Parish Council in south Lincs. Served 8 years (2001-09) on Lincolnshire County Council (Labour lead on Education and Children's Services). Former member Lincolnshire Police Authority (2002-09). Member of Royal Anglian Association (former TA CSM), Co-operative Party, and GMB trade union. Promoted by Phil Dilks, DSJ, PE6 8HD. A personal view and not that of any organisation of which I am a member or associated.
No exclusive on how Gordon's going to call the General Election on Monday yet Phil?
You must be lagging mate.
PS - Told you so!
And what has this to do with Aydan's unfortunate accident?
I am only a bystander but I really think this childish political banter should not pollute this particular item. Just let the story stand, please.
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