This week, Lincolnshire Police Authority is inviting people to vote by text on whether our county police force should be merged with four other county forces to form a "super" East Midlands force.
Given the headlines and level of debate on the issue so far, it's difficult to see how anyone can make an informed judgement on what's best for our county.
As a member of the Police Authority, we've been wrestling with the idea of merger for some months now and want to be sure that any changes improve policing for the people of Lincolnshire.
I hope the following blogs help anyone thinking of taking part in the text vote.
My vote is in! Having read your thoughtful material I felt in a much better position to vote than I had before, thanks, and the police roboy has thanked me and assured me that my vote has been registered.
How many other voters will be so informed is another matter. I really do not like these plebiscites: what are we electing councils and committees for if we are still having to do all the research and make the decisions ourselves?
Thanks for your comment.
i'm not sure how much value the survey can have when the level of debate is so ill-informed.
For example, the Lincolnshire Echo's headline when the idea of merger was announced was "Save our Bobbies" - a clear assumption that Lincolnshire would lose rather than gain.
There are arguments both ways of course, but i am not convinced that the public has been fully informed before being asked to vote.
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