Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Building Bridges with Islam in The Deepings...

How does Islam fit in British society and what should our reaction be to our Muslim neighbours and colleagues...? The First Deepings Lecture takes place this Thursday with the Archdeacon of Southwark The Ven. Michael Ipgrave speaking on 'Building Bridges with Islam'.

Michael Ipgrave is a national figure on interfaith issues and is visiting our community at the invitation Deepings Churches Together to help us to work through some of the issues, from a Christian perspective sympathetic to British Muslims.

I've agreed to chair the event at Deeping St James CP School, Hereward Way, Deeping St James at 7.30pm.

Free admission (just like museums!)...Everyone's welcome.


Anonymous said...

Paul Flynn MP [Labour, Newport West] has the right idea.

Speaking in Parliament on Monday, he wonders what we are up to in Helmand Province.

The rreconstruction teams are doing nothing because the area cannot be secured.

Since we can't build bridges in Helmand Province, I sincerely hope that the bridges built in the Deeping will not be of the platitude variety.

Anonymous said...

Come and see!