Sunday, April 02, 2006

Cameron's timely visit to Lincolnshire

I see David Cameron, Leader of the Conservative Party, was visiting Lincolnshire on Friday afternoon - just as the Standards Board of England were banning a senior member of his party in the county, Ian Croft, from holding office for 15 months.

What impeccable timing!

Reminds me of a similar visit to Lincolnshire some years ago by one of his predessessors - IDS.

IDS promised that the Conservative Party would take "appropriate action" against Jim Speechley if the public interest report was as damning as it turned out to be...

But later, the Conservative Party flip-flopped and decided it was nothing to do with them.

They said it was a matter for the local Conservatives.

And despite the Public Interest Report saying Speechley was a bully who had presided over a series of unlawful payments, his mates on Lincolnshire County Council decided that the appropriate action was to give Jim a vote of confidence.

They re-elected him Leader of the Council!

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