Sunday, February 03, 2008

Conway says: 'I'm not a crook', as secretary reveals she was sacked to make way for his wife...

Quoting Richard 'Watergate' Nixon was probably not the best move by shamed MP Derek Conway. He also insists in the Mail on Sunday that he has done nothing wrong. And for good measure he says MPs should get paid eighty to a hundred grand. That's a massive pay rise of £40,000 a year!

Meanwhile, the News of the World speaks to the secretary who claims Conway sacked her so he could give his wife the job. She says the MP flew into a rage when she questioned him, saying I will crush you. Crush you.

The NoTW perhaps understandably asks its readers to comment on whether all MPs are freeloaders - which highlights the damage Conway has done to politics - and not just to his own party.

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