Tory councillor Michael Lambrech has apparently explained that he lives in Spain 'for health reasons'. Ah, that's OK then.
But today, after months of farce, he's finally resigned his seat.
And that's sent the Tories in Hastings into panic: Without him the Tories didn't have enough support to force through their budget. So the oh-so-green Tories flew him back from Spain - just for the vote in the council chamber.
The Tory council leader was said to have accepted Mr Lambrechs' resignation 'with regret'.
Unfortunately (for them), he's the second Tory councillor in Hastings to resign in as many weeks. Another wishes to persue his career in London.
So the Tory majority on Hastings Council has been lost in a fortnight.
Ah well. At least the voters in Hastings didn't have the same problems as the good people of Crowland:
When Jim Speechley, former Tory Leader of Lincolnshire County Council refused to resign after he was convicted of wrong-doing, Crowland residents who wanted to see their elected councillor had to apply first for a prison visitor's pass!
Are you jealous Phil? Is that why you keep banging this particular drum?
Seriously I don't think it matters where people live, rather what is between their ears. For example Gordon Brown is not be a bad MP for Dunfermline because he lives in London. No he is a bad MP because he is a dishonest money wasting bully.
What no articles on the Cash for Peerages story on the front page of the Sunday telegraph today!
Where are you Phil!
I thought it was the police who called the shots when people were under investigation.
Yet because Tony said he would resign if questioned under caution.... they said it didn't have to be under caution.
Talk about one law for the PM and another law for the rest of us!
Far from securing his new home for when he leaves as per today's Sunday Times I think TB had better start stocking up on some specially made Porridge Oats.
And by that I don't mean the one's that Rosie used to make up for his deputy.
Me, jealous of the former Leader of Lincs County Council being banged up in prison...?
Gordon Brown is MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath, (wrong again Michael! do keep up...)
He actually went to school in the constituency he now represents!
You're entitled to your opinion, but fortunately for Britain, 58% of the voters of Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath appear to disagree with you.
geoffrey: so what you seem to be suggesting is, that if the Prime Minister was thought to have been under suspicion of any wrong-doing, he would have resigned.
you guys want your cake and eat it!
Sorry Phil I lose track. What with all these Scots overlords coming down to dictate policy to us(tartans parasites, or jockroaches if you prefer), and us having no rights there. As long as the cheque gets sent to the right bank account eh? Brown can get as many of the drunken plebs to vote for him next time, the weight of English numbers will boot out this shower of incompetent crooks.
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