"For reasons of confidentiality we can't discuss the specific details of Duncan Kerr's departure from SKDC."
That was SKDC's response to BBC Radio Lincolnshire who ran an interview with me on Drivetime this evening. The interview followed my official challenge to South Kesteven District Council to reveal the facts that will establish whether reports are true that they have handed their Chief Exec more than £100,000 to quit his job.
In days gone by, a council might have got away with hiding behind an anonymous statement which basically says 'mind your own business'. But now we have the Freedom of Information Act which will force some answers and hopefully prise out the real costs of Duncan Kerr's sudden departure last week.
I'm very disappointed there's still no word on this affair from any of those who were elected to the Grantham-based Council to stand up for residents of Deeping St James.
Holding the Executive accountable is a key role of any councillor and I would urge my colleagues on SKDC to end their wall of silence and come clean with the residents they are supposed to represent.
Certainly, I won't be taking 'mind your own business' for an answer.
After running the interview with me this evening, and SK's bland response, BBC Lincolnshire reported that both they and the Grantham Journal have also put in Freedom of Information requests about the affair.
Hopefully, between us, we'll get to the truth and the real costs.
Keep watching!
Mind you Phil, I can't help but laugh when the BBC talks about secrecy and accountability !
you'll be telling me you pay your licence fee next...!
We do!
I dont have a Television !
For the essential Rugby Games I go down the Pub.
Phil, maybe someone here has some information on this that may be useful....if only they could get in touch with you????
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