Friday, February 13, 2009

Tories reject council tax 'freeze'...

Prudent calls by Labour for a council tax freeze were rejected today by the Conservatives who control Lincolnshire County Council.

The Tories decided to demand an extra 1.75 per cent from every council tax payer in Lincolnshire.

The last thing Lincolnshire people who are struggling to pay their bills need is another Tory tax hike.

But the Tories weren't listening.

Labour demonstrated how services could be improved without any increase at all this year - largely thanks to a more than generous Government grant of more than SIX per cent.

That's on top of last year's even more generous in Government funding to Lincolnshire of more than NINE per cent.

So a 15 per cent increase in two years.

But still the Tories still can't manage without hiking council tax yet again.

The words 'total' and 'incompetence' comes to mind...

UPDATE: Coverage in the Lincolnshire Echo.


Anonymous said...

If Labour froze council tax would this not mean cuts in public services.

That's what crony tony used to say!

Anonymous said...

The proposal was to spend where the Tories were cutting - Adult & Childrens services and still keep a freeze on Council Tax. Didn't Dave say something about Council freezing Council Tax? It comes to something when a Labour Party can do what the Tory Leader suggets and their own people can't.