UPDATE: Here's a transcript of President Barack Obama's rather sombre, but inspirational inaugural address in which he said America was ready to lead again, and offered the hand of friendship to potential foes, but made it clear that the US under Obama would not be a push-over.
Change we can believe in.
hear' to condie rice 2012
Haven't you read the script Geoffrey: 2012 is Obama again...
I hope the Republicans do run with Condie in 2012, to ensure eight years of Obama.
Condie is very bright of course, but too linked to the hard right and Bushism which the American people have just rejected and she would be rejected too.
(Frankly, her comments on the Israel-Gaza conflict were an absolute disgrace).
If we're looking for a woman next time, look no further than Hillary for 2016...
Have you already given up on Sarah Palin...?
Give her and the poor Alaskan moose another chance....!!
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