On the Vanessa Feltz show, Boris Johnson pledged to replace all London’s bendy buses with new vehicles with conductors. He claimed it would cost just £8 million-a-year.
But his £8m claim has been widely rubbished - transport experts calculate the real cost to Londoners would be £112 million a year. That's more than 13 times difference and a massive £100 million-a-year Boris black hole which would inevitably mean steep fare rises.
It will also lead to serious questions about Boris's competence to deliver over £40 billion of investment to modernise London's transport over the next few years. It is crucial for instance that the massive £16 billion Crossrail project is delivered on-time and on-budget.
Today, Mayor Ken Livingstone issued an open email challenge to Boris over his gaping gaffe:
Boris responded by attacking London’s Transport Commissioner, claiming he never used London buses – which is rich indeed coming from Oxfordshire MP Boris!
Then Boris went on the Jeremy Vine Show on BBC Radio 2 and uttered this gem:
"…as a cyclist I think pedestrians are the most dangerous features on the road at the moment."I wonder how many cyclists he thinks have been killed lately by pedestrians on the streets of London...
But Boris's out of touch moment-of-the-day must surely go to Boris’s attempt to try to change the dates of the Bejing Olympics, as reported by journalist Andrew Grice
* More on Boris Johnson’s £100million bus blunder at www.kenlivingstone.com/media
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